Kak Tar’s cooking is really awesome. After a hearty lunch today, Sijie, our advisor, brought the team to explore the village. We went on bicycles and visited a few areas. Firstly, we went to view the houses that the team will do painting for. There will be 2 houses that Project Orion III will assist to paint for the villagers. So we started off the Tour by heading to both house to access the location and to determine the manpower needed as well as any restoration work to be done, etc.
Next we went to take a look at the houses previous Orion teams have done repair work or painting for. One house which we visited was Pak Mutasfa’s. He is unemployed and has been suffering from both kidneys’ failure since 2003 and started dialysis since 2004 when he was hospitalized. Project Orion 1 dug a 6 feet deep compose well and built a proper toilet for the family of 4. Pak Mustafa is now well and receives subsidy for his medical fees from the government.
Thirdly, we rode past the school whereby the team will do a Mural Painting for. Last but not least, the team headed to Pernarik Inn where a Hatchery is built behind the Inn. We went there to take a look at how the Hatchery is built and run. After which, we went to the beach behind the Hatchery and played ‘Ice and Water’ with the infamous Ghost Crabs!
The Primary School where we will do Mural Painting |
The Hatchery behind Pernarik Inn |
The infamous Ghost Crab! |