Name: Tan Jia Yi Gladys
Unit: Beatty Beaver Scout Group
Occupation (s): Intern
Hobbies/Interests: Traveling, Reading, Adventure, Sports
1) What is your personal goal or aim with regards to the contribution to Project Orion III, in addition to the effort of Turtle conservation?
I hope to be familiarized with the practices of Scouting during the trip as well as to make friends and to have fun.
2) What motivates and inspires you to take up Project Orion III?
I always enjoyed going on such service learning trips whereby what we do will leave a positive impact on both Nature and the Community. In addition, due to prior school commitments, I was unable to go for earlier trips which this inspired me to sign up for Project Orion III whilst I am able to do so.
3) What are your views on Turtle conservation?
Initially, I did not know that Turtles were even an endangered species in the World. However, after knowing how tough it is for Turtles to survive and the fact that there are so many predators and threats to the survival of Turtles, I feel motivated and protective of this species. Hence, this project on Turtle Conservation is a stepping stone to protecting this species and I am proud to be able to be part of such a
4) How do you hope to further maximize the effort of the team in Turtle Conservation?
I have learnt that Educating and raising awareness on Conservation Issues is one of the most effective way to minimize further damage to Turtle Conservation. In fact, there are many who do not understand how tough it is for one Turtle to mature and return to the shore for nestling. They also do not understand that their actions have indirectly cause harm to the species. Hence, with education, we raise awareness to these people on the impacts of their actions and with their cooperation and collaboration, only will Turtle Conservation be at its most effective. As Scouts, we can lend a helping hand when necessary. However, as we are not by the sea every day, unlike the villagers, we must educate them on how to preserve the current population of Turtles and not harm them anymore.