Unit: Phoenix Scout Group (Punggol Secondary School)
Occupation(s): Education Officer
Hobbies/Interests: Travel, trekking, theatre
1) What is your personal goal or aim with regards to the contribution to Project Orion III, in addition to the effort of Turtle conservation?
To create an awareness in conservation works and service learning to the younger generation.
2) What motivates and inspires you to take up Project Orion III?
To break the curse! On a more serious note, I have always been interested in biodiversity and this will be a good learning and self-discovery opportunity. Through this project, I could also impart life lessons and relevant content knowledge to my students and scouts.
There wasn't really an inspiration figure but someone once asked me, "If this is your interest, why didn't you get involve?" So that's how it got me started in the field.
3) What are your views on Turtle conservation?
It is heartening to know of the various conservation efforts out there but a majority of the masses are still unaware of such initiatives. Education is thus a good platform to inform the masses about the importance of conservation for we only protect what we care and we only care about what we know.
4) How do you hope to further maximize the effort of the team in Turtle Conservation?
Keep an open mind to whatever that comes along I suppose :)